Monday, March 27, 2006

Paradise Costs Edition

What if 'The Terror' Won the War on Error?

Let's say the neocon carpers and whiners were granted their wish: Tomorrow, every single person they hate, including despicable Democrats, liberals, the Clintons, moonbats, bloggers, pinkos, wackos, socialists, commies, agnostics, atheists, Buddhists, dissidents, free-speech nuts, pacifists, porn stars, school teachers, college professors, Hollyweird actors, humanists, free-thinkers, skeptics, Amnesty Internationalists, Francophiles, women's libbers, ACLUers, Darwinists, environmentalists, scientists, gays, lesbians, San Franciscans, Brokeback Mountaineers, flag-burners, unionists, the unemployed and welfare recipients, along with Howard Dean, Sean Penn, Michael Moore and Cindy Sheehan, and anybody else who doesn't think George W. Bush is the greatest thing since sliced baptism, simply vanished, in a sort of Hunter S. Thompson version of the Rapture, and the country was left inhabited solely by those who worship at the clay feet of the All-Knowing Dubya.

Bush's poll numbers instantly would be at 100 percent in every category and his handlers wouldn't have to pre-screen crowds any longer, since every single person showing up would gush drool like this:

"Mr. President, I just thank God and Jesus every day that you're our leader."

"Heh, heh, thank you. Uh, that a question?"

"My question is: Would you please be our leader forever, O Most Godly and Infallible One?"

It is the neocon paradise in every respect.

The thing is, what would be any different? What could Bush do in a completely neoconned America that he can't do now? Ignore the Constitution and the Bill of Rights? No, he already does that. Throw more people he decides are 'enemy combatants' in jail without charges? No, he can do that, too. Torture enemies of the state? No, that's already happening. Further run up the national debt? No, that mission's accomplished also. Reward even more fat government contracts to his friends? No, nothing's stopping him there. Increase funding for his Iraq War? No, the Congress has already appropriated every penny he's requested.

Sure, there would be no more investigations and Fitzgerald prosecutions; the news media would be full of peppy blather about all of Bush's imaginary 'successes,' and nary a peep would be heard about New Orleans, rank incompetence, civil liberties, the economy, the death toll in Iraq, the Taliban coming back to power in Afghanistan, nor any other rude facts that might intrude on the neocon Disneyland.

"This is Bill O'Reilly and we're in the No-Spin Zone. Say, folks, isn't everything just great since we got rid of all those liberal crybabies and character assassins? What about you, Sean, I'm sure you agree."

"Absolutely fantastic! It's just wonderful to have a truly superior president who can do no wrong -- ever."

"They say love is never having to say you're sorry, and with the superb President Bush at the helm, we have someone worthy of our complete love -- and our total adulation."

"Total adulation is the word, Bill."

"Well, those are the headlines. Now for some video of His Excellency President Bush petting his dog."

"These are so heartwarming I just want to break down in tears, Bill."

"Alan Colmes here, Bill. Do you think he'll throw the ball for him this time? I just love it when he throws the ball."

The wealthy would be exalted; perhaps George would even issue them titles like 'Lord Governor Jeb' and 'Most High Chancellor of the Treasury Kenny Boy,' while the rest of the population would descend into serfdom, scrabbling for whatever crumbs they could get. Pensions? Social Security? All gone, drowned in the bathtub with the rest of the government, as prescribed by Supreme Czar of Consummate Financial Wisdom Norquist. Families would have to take care of their oldsters, which should be easy, since they're all going to have to live together in the same one-room shack anyway; it'll be all they can afford.

And there's little doubt an artist's depiction of Jesus, looking very much like Jeffrey Hunter in "King of Kings," would be engraved on every denomination of coin and paper money, except the new three-dollar bill, which would feature a portrait of George W. himself, clearing brush on his ranch in a cowboy hat; abortion, or even thinking about abortion, would be outlawed; church attendance would be mandatory, and enforced by the 'Faith Police'; freedom to criticize the government or the state church would be eliminated; those of other religions 're-educated' and forced to accept Jesus as their personal savior; and school kids (on vouchers, naturally) would be taught that any scientific principle that contradicts Rev. Pat Robertson's interpretation of the Old Testament, such as the Theory of Evolution or that the Earth is more than 6,000 years old, is Against the Lord's Will and taboo. Pat would also toss out any scientific knowledge that he personally doesn't understand or agree with, such as Applied Physics or Ecological Biology. (I forgot to mention that Pat would be appointed Most Splendid Prophet of the National Academy of Sciences.)

Books would be burned; artwork destroyed; unorthodox and new ideas purged; computer-users strictly limited as to the sort of information they can store or disseminate, and the Promise Keepers would keep their promises: Women would be back in the home under their husbands' thumb, raising the kids, cooking the meals, staying pregnant, and being seen and not heard.

It would be a rebirth of the Holy Roman Empire of the Middle Ages, except without all the Catholicism and the Pope, as we'd expand our wars of piety to bring America's new Christian brand of freedom and democracy to the rest of the world. Service in this Grand Army of God, led by Supreme Field Marshal Jerry Boykin, would be mandatory for all men between the ages of 16 and 40. But Bush's military, even with the Almighty on its side, would somehow lack morale and competence, making it prone to disaster and defeat, of which there would be an abundance.

After a generation or two, the other nations of the world would eventually tire of us, stop lending us money and cut us out of their markets. A desperate Emperor Bush, unable to keep together his army or pay off his defense contractors, would threaten to use 'nukular' weapons against them unless they line up to support us. The rest of the world would laugh in his face.

Raving and insane, he'd decide to bring about global Armageddon, and would finally push the button to launch our nukes and destroy the world.

But, you know what? Nothing would happen. All those kids educated in Robertson's Biblical-science schools wouldn't know diddley about real science, the kind of science that launches nuclear weapons, that makes complicated firing mechanisms work. (After all, these things weren't mentioned in the Holy Bible.)

The Red Chinese would then simply walk in and take over with little resistance, make all those who disagree with them vanish, and install a Sino-Communist paradise in America.

"Hi, Bill O'Reilly here in the No-Spin Zone. Say, didn't the incredibly amazing Red Chinese Army put on just one heck of a parade as they marched through downtown Washington yesterday? Everything about the peace and prosperity they're bringing our country is just great! Isn't that right, Sean?"

"Oh, you bet, Bill -- just fantastic! Hoo-ray, communism is here to stay!"

"Well, those are the headlines. Let's just watch this video of our Most Exalted Masters' hanging a picture of the wonderful Mao Zedong up in the East Wing of the White House, sponsored by Wal-Mart. What a fantastic, moving moment."

"I'm moved to tears at the beauty and majesty of it all, Bill."

"Bill, Alan Colmes here. Say, whatever happened to His Excellency President ---"

"You shut up! Cut his mic off! Cut his mic off! I won't have that kind of crazy anti-communist talk on my show!"

Gone with Their Minds Edition

Operation Swarmer a Pentagon Production to Cloak Raging Iraqi Civil War

The various flapping jaws and bunched foreheads of the Mainstream Mediocrity and their puppeteers in the Republican galaxy of error (Dingbatus Major), in a collective issuance of empty hot breeze, have proclaimed that, while Iraq may be on the brink of civil war, they are not yet actually engaged in one.

The multitudinous attacks on mosques and daily death toll among the civilian population are notwithstanding for these satraps of numbskullery and boneheadedness, apparently waiting for vast armies dressed in blue and gray to face each other on the banks of the Tigris before they officially anoint the proceedings a true 'civil war.'

Of course, those who read more than White House press releases and the masturbatory circularity of the American media know that Iraq has had a low-level civil war in progress for at least the last year, and it's been steadily growing in violence, scope and intensity.

One can only speculate that this latest round of delusional denial by our Appropriated Press has something to do with forestalling the public's reaction when they discover our military is caught in the middle, taking flak from both Sunnis and Shi'ites in the current conflict. Those Americans not affiliated with the oil industry might then surmise, "Let the Iraqis fight their own civil war," and demand we pull out. Such a situation, naturally, would result in the hollow brass balls of the neocon chickenhawkery thudding to the floor simultaneously, as their Crawford Dauphin struggles to rise above 20 percent in the polls. Hear their war cry: "Stay the course, as long as no one we know is getting shot at!"

Their willingness to sacrifice the lives and futures of kids who weren't lucky enough to be born Ivy league legacies is legendary; their stunning ineptitude at accomplishing anything, whether it's pacifying an Arab uprising or responding to a natural disaster, is cliché. It's a testament to the acting talent of the assembled reporters at the White House and Pentagon that they can maintain a straight face while enduring the latest flat mumblings of marvelous achievement from Android McClellan or the triumphant bleating of Death's Head Don, both of whom have been wrong so often that a gambler could bet against them and come out wealthy beyond imagination.

This latest subterfuge, Operation Swarmer, just like the Hooray USA fireworks display that was Shock and Awe, is just another expensive explosives-enhanced distraction, not hastening the end of the civil war or our misbegotten involvement in Iraq by even an hour. The brass hats have been gathering before the cameras and microphones to declare some sort of victory over the insurgents in Samarra, while the U.S. media shines their spoons for a new feeding of feel-good militaristic gruel. But the truth is the insurgency has eyes and ears throughout Iraq; they no doubt knew of this attack long before the American media were aware of it, and vacated the area accordingly. In a few months, we'll be reading the grisly coda to this recent thumb's-up, glom-and-bomb scenario, written in the blood of innocent Iraqi men, women and children -- regrettable collateral damage all.

Yes, Scarlett, there is a full-blown civil war going on in Iraq, our people are getting killed in it, it isn't going to stop because we're there and, frankly, they don't give a damn.
Today's Quote

"Every prediction the President made about this war has proven to be false, while virtually every prediction made by war opponents has proven to be true. The President and his followers controlled every part of this war with an iron fist... insisting on the right to exert full-scale, undiluted control over it. And now it has failed. And it's everyone's fault except theirs."
-- Glenn Greenwald, a conservative Republican.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Part Two: Channeling Changes Edition

Surf's Up! (And Down)


"This is The Situation Room and I'm Wolf Blitzer. Now let's go to CNN's Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider for the latest on the president's 34 percent approval rating. Bill, what about this -- this is the lowest rating of his presidency, isn't it?"

"Uh, Wolf, just one minor correction: That's not 34 percent of Americans who approve of President Bush's handling of his job -- that's 34 PEOPLE TOTAL, and all of them from his family."

"Thank you, Bill. And now over to Suzanne Malveaux at the White House. Suzanne, what does this president have to do to improve those numbers?"

"Wolf, do you ever listen to yourself? You're supposed to be an objective journalist reporting the news -- why do you care about improving Bush's poll numbers?"

"Thanks for that report, Suzanne. Ed Henry on Capitol Hill: Ed, what does the president have to do to bring up these poll numbers?"


"Welcome back to Hardball. I'm here with Katrina vanden Heuvel, editor of The Nation magazine, and we're talking about this AP video that shows Bush being briefed on August 28th by FEMA. Katrina, how do you think this affects the president's credibility?"

"Chris, obviously, as we've been saying all along, Bush has zero credibility on --"

"Katrina, are you saying the president is LYING? I mean, do the far-left bongo-players you represent -- those types with the purple dreadlocks and the piercings on their flap-doodle -- really believe President Bush would lie to the American people? No wonder nobody listens to you."

"Chris, I think this tape shows without question that --"

"I don't get you lefties: Do you think you're going to win by slamming this president that everybody wants to have a beer with? People like the guy! Americans look at him and say, 'Yeah, there's my uncle or big brother! So he's wrecked a few cars when he was drunk, slaughtered a few people, he's still okay in my book!' Why don't you guys get that?"

"Chris, if you look at the recent polls -- "

"Yeah, but don't you think that -- gut-level, man-to-man -- Americans just identify with a macho guy like Bush who looks good in cowboy hats and tight blue jeans and clears brush and that stuff? A manly straight-shooter like John Wayne? I mean, Noam Chomsky looks like a big dork in a cowboy hat. Katrina, don't you think you could reach more of the Red States you need to get your side elected if you had a Southern accent like Bush?"

"Chris, I think you're dealing in superficialities; what's important is -- "

"See, that's what I mean. Maybe if you didn't use words like 'superficialities' you could score with the NASCAR crowd out there. Go for the lowest common denominator. That's what Karl Rove and the Republicans know how to do. You weirdo leftists keep talking to the American people like they had some brains, like you have some respect for their intelligence. What the hell's wrong with you?"

"Chris, do you just have me on so that you can rudely interrupt me before I make a point, while, pretending to be unbiased, you score points for the Republican Party?"

"You're catching on, Katrina. After the break, watch me embarrass myself by repeatedly kissing former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson's hindquarters because he went bird hunting with a shotgun a few times. We'll be right back."


"We're back with our guests Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin and Bill O'Reilly. Ann, some critics have described your controversial comments as bordering on fascism. How do you respond?"

"Oh, that's ridiculous -- these commie pinkos just have no sense of humor. I mean, my GOD, these outright traitors, these ACLU perverts, and all of their freedom of speech talk -- freedom of speech is vastly over-rated. They simply don't realize real Americans want a strong leader like George W. Bush, someone they can trust who won't put up with their carping questions. 'Why are you doing this about the war? Why did you do that about Katrina? Why are you wasting my money? Why are you lying to me?' and all that other claptrap. Picky, picky. Don't they realize they are impeding the president from performing his duty of securing the nation with their never-ending questions? These liberals just don't realize the benefits of a little local fascism. They should all be drawn and quartered and their heads placed on spikes on every highway leading into Washington."

"Of course, you were just kidding about that last part."

"If it's to my advantage I am."

"Michelle, it must be quite a challenge to come up with outrageous things to say to compete with Ann here. I mean, it seems like no matter what you do, her skinny rump is always above you on the ladder of right-wing media success. How does that feel?"

"It's all due to liberal racism against Asian-Americans. If I were blonde and Aryan like Ann here, I'd be kicking sand in her eyes but, because the liberal media has pegged me as a dark-haired Filipino woman and the reverse-racism of the left, I'm being prevented from airing my views. I'm chained like a slave to the blogosphere and my books haven't sold nearly as well as Ann's thanks to the New York Times and the Washington Post."

"Isn't it possible that it's your obnoxious opinions and not your race that is the problem?"

"Oh, that's just silly. My opinions are all very much in the mainstream of American thought. My audiences at my paid appearances tell me that all the time."

"Bill, would you like to weigh in?"

"Say, have either of you two young ladies ever had a loofah in the shower?"


"Katie, it's great to see New Orleans coming together once again to celebrate Mardi Gras after all this town has been through this year."

"That's wonderful, Matt, but there don't seem to be as many bare-breasted women this time around."

"Well, a lot of plastic beads were lost in Katrina..."


"Say, Bud, I hear you're going to introduce us to the most powerful cleaning agent in human history!"

"That's right, Tom! Ladies and gentleman here in the studio audience and you folks at home, what if I told you that I had a spray cleaner that can instantly remove greasy fingerprints from walls, tar from tile floors, those tough mineral deposits in the bathtub, and those stubborn stains on the garage floor? What if I told you this miracle cleaner could remove chrome from trailer hitches, the old paint from your walls, and several layers of skin from your face? How much would you pay for a super cleaner like that?"

"Gosh, Bud, to have my hands on the greatest home cleaning product since the machine gun?! I think I'd easily pay fifty -- even a hundred dollars!"

"You'd think wrong, Tom -- one gallon of this incredible new cleaner, invented for use by our military forces in Iraq, can be yours for only $19.95 in this special TV offer!"

"Gawdamitey on a cracker, Bud! My head's reeling from the savings! Or maybe it's the toxic odor. Why don't you tell the folks how to order while I put my head between my legs to control the nausea and dizziness."

"Folks, you can order new White Phosphorus by calling ..."


"Welcome back to Desperate Political Housewives."

"We could have a happy marriage if not for you and your stable of whores."

"Okay, here we go again with the 'stable of whores' stuff. I can't even talk to you these days without you bringing that up. First of all, it's only THREE whores -- that's hardly a 'stable'..."

Today's Quote

"15,000 atheists in London have rioted after a blank sheet of paper was found on a cartoonist's desk."
-- Steven Alan Green

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Channeling Changes Edition

Surfin' U.S.A.!


"Hail, Azatoth! Hail, Cthulu! Hail, Hades! Hail, Azazael! Hail, Beelzebub, most high father of lies and bringer of pestilence, avarice, war, degradation and evil, the hulking, scaly beast who slouches in the night! Oh, master of the underworld and the fiery pits of doom, hear this plea from your humble servant --"

"Hey, Dick, lunch is ready!"

"Okay, be right there. I was just praying."

"We're having your favorite -- barbequed goat's head and Devil's Grip beer."

"Did you leave the eyes in?"

"You bet!"

"Um, ummmm, that's good eatin'!"

"Here, Dick, why don't you start off with this quart of beer while I set the table."

"I believe I will, Jean. Ummmm, beer."

"My, Dick, that blaze orange vest certainly sets off your cold blue eyes."

"You bet, Jean. Yes, I've always thought I cut quite the dashing figure in my hunting togs."

"Dick, you've finished that quart already!"

"And I'll be damned if I'm not ready for another one! (belch)"

"You'd better pace yourself or you're gonna be stewed by the time we go out hunting."

"Less talk, woman, more beer."

"Ha, ha, Dick'll be all right once he gets a couple of goat eyeballs in him -- right, Dick?"

"You got it, Harry. Where is that grub anyway?"

"Here's your beer. It'll be ready in a minute, Sugarpants."

"Say, Dick, you plannin' on baggin' a few fat quail out there today?"

"Actually, Harry, I was thinking of a different kind of game."

"'A different kind of game'? What would that be? Dick, why are you looking at me like that..."


"Welcome back to Meet the Press, let me introduce our panel: Over here is John Fund of the Wall Street Journal; syndicated columnist Roger Simon; William Safire of the New York Times, and Byron York of the National Review. Presenting the Bush Administration's side of the news is Mary Matalin, formerly an advisor to Vice President Dick Cheney."


"Harry, we need more insurance."

"Don't worry, I just signed up for a new policy from the AARP."

"You mean the same AARP that shafted us royal by supporting Bush's Medicare plan?"


"Ask your doctor if Defenestrol is right for you."

"Yeah, so we seniors can manage the seasonal depression of 'winter blahs'."

"If you don't mind anal leakage."

"That could be depressing."

"Don't worry -- GlacksoMurkFizer has a pill for that, too!"

"You wouldn't be talking about new Assitol, would you?"

"I would. Ask your doctor if Assitol..."


"Be all that you can be in the United States Army, where we do more before breakfast than most people do all day! And then you keel over at 45 from cirrhosis of the liver and a stress-induced heart attack. But, hey, we'll give you money for college, as soon as the War on Terror is over!"


"What kind of shoes are those?"


"Say, excuse me, those running shoes you're wearing -- what brand are they?"

"They're Avanti's."

"Hey, it looks like you're wearing Avanti's, too!"

"Everybody's wearing them."

"Listen, I know I'm a complete stranger just running by in this marathon, but can I use your laptop for a minute?"

"What? What's wrong with you? No you can't use my laptop! Leave me alone before I call a cop!"


"Dad, can I have $85.00 to buy some new jeans?"

"Are you on drugs? Eighty-five bucks for a pair of pants? You think I'm made of money? Ever since I invested in that Avanti shoe stock we've been wiped out. Thanks, Ameritraitor! Here's twenty, go find something at Target."

Courting Ann Slanders

Not referring to the nickname of the late advice columnist, but the current reigning blonde harpy of the beyond-the-fringe neocons, Ann Coulter.

Personally, I think that the various media flotsam and jetsam on the hard right -- whether it be James Dobson, Pat Robertson, Michael Savage, or the subject of this piece -- should be given all the airtime they need to hang themselves. It's inevitable that, at some point, if they go on babbling long enough, they will chew on their own shoes with sane people looking on aghast, flinching in disgust -- "What an idiot," is the common reaction.

Whether it's Dobson rallying the faithful by stating that a TV cartoon character in the shape of a sponge is gay; or Robertson assuring the public that God's judgment was at work on sinful liberal New Orleans by way of Hurricane Katrina (neatly ignoring the Almighty's bad aim, since surrounding conservative Republican areas were also severely damaged), or Savage compassionately advising gays to get AIDS and die; or Coulter wishing Timothy McVeigh had blown up the New York Times instead of the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City, they can't help themselves; their vile, intolerant, hate-filled neocon philosophy only gains traction if one is ignorant of the full breadth of what they believe.

Of course, some think that, like Rush Limbaugh, Coulter's nothing more than a political performance artist willing to spew any outrage to get attention, who gravitated to the extreme right because that's both where the money and an uncritical audience lies. It's worth remembering that college friends of Limbaugh say he wasn't particularly conservative then, but, in plotting his broadcasting career, formulated the insight that it would be easier for him to gain an audience for his political form of 'shock jockery' with gullible right-wingers than with the better-educated and more well-informed listeners in the center and on the left. Similarly, Coulter apparently chose such a cynical career path, and even self-described friend Bill Maher, who often ridiculed Coulter to her face on his various TV shows in the past, has alluded to her Dragon Lady public persona as simply 'shtick,' to be taken as seriously as Andy Kaufman's Las Vegas lounge lizard alter-ego Tony Clifton.

But there are boundaries which Coulter should not be permitted to breach; when, for example, Ted Rall gets death threats because she blatantly lies to connect him with those who deny or belittle the Holocaust, a position diametrically opposed to Rall's thinking. Whenever Coulter is caught making one of these treacherous statements, she dismisses it as 'kidding' and accuses liberals of having no sense of humor. She forgets that, as her favorite president has said, '9/11 changed everything.' If a liberal writer issued some of the deadly exhortations to violence and racist epithets that the sneering Coulter has peddled in the name of 'humor' they would be quickly interrogated by the FBI, if not interred in jail.

So maybe it's time, in the spirit of Republican responsibility for your words, that Ann was held accountable in a court of law for her potentially lethal humbuggery.

After that's done, perhaps we should also bring Rush to judgment, so to speak.

'Slander? She wrote the book: How Ann Coulter gets away with defaming liberals'

Posted on Friday, February 24 @ 10:28:02 EST
at The Smirking Chimp

by Ted Rall
Originally appeared at

NEW YORK--My utterances occasionally spark controversy but I've got nothing on Ann Coulter. The star Republican pundit, who has spewed more racist, offensive and defamatory slurs in a week than Louis Farrakhan and Pat Robertson have in their whole lives combined, has turned slander and threats of violence into a cottage industry.

Coulter thinks the nation's top journalists deserve to die. "My only regret with Timothy McVeigh," Coulter sneered in reference to the Oklahoma City bomber, "is he did not go to the New York Times building." After 9/11, she validated radical Islamists' fear and hatred: "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity."

After he called for the assassination of the president of Venezuela, conservatives pressured Rev. Robertson to apologize. But when Coulter dropped the following three racist slurs and a fatwa on the Iranian president in a single paragraph of her syndicated column last week, no one blinked: "If you don't want to get shot by the police, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, then don't point a toy gun at them. Or, as I believe our motto should be after 9/11: Jihad monkey talks tough; jihad monkey takes the consequences. Sorry, I realize that's offensive. How about 'camel jockey'? What? Now what'd I say? Boy, you tent merchants sure are touchy. Grow up, would you?"

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist was asked about Coulter's use of the r-word--"ragheads"--to refer to Muslims. "I better not comment," he said.

Threatening the life of a top government official violates federal law but it's just another throwaway line for Coulter. "We need somebody to put rat poison in Justice [John Paul] Stevens' crème brulée," she said earlier this month. Imagine the outrage if a Democrat said the same thing about Antonin Scalia.

Read the rest here.