Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nevada's Sue Lowden: Another Palin?

Dem Sen. Harry Reid's no prize package, but can you believe he's losing to this babbling dimwit?

Left click on image to enlarge.
See the video here.

Las Vegas Sun article here.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Tattlesnake – Ask the Tattlesnake Edition

Dear Tattlesnake:

What is wrong with the GOP? Do you know?

Worried in VT

Dear Worried:

The International Journal of Psychology claims that 20 to 25 percent of the population in any modern industrialized nation has some degree of serious brain damage or crippling psychosis. In America, we call those people 'Republicans.'

Hey You Turkey Boy:

The Rethuglicans are thieves and liars and the Democants are wimpy and can't get anything done and third parties are a total joke. So who do I vote for?

Who Gives a Hairy Crap in WI

Dear Who Cares:

Anyone who opens an email to a stranger with 'Hey You Turkey Boy' and signs themselves as 'Who Gives a Hairy Crap' isn't someone who should be voting. Put your mind at ease, what's left of it, and stay home on Election Day.

Dear Mr. Tattlesnake:

With this new Supreme Court ruling that gives Constitutional rights to corporations, I incorporated myself. Now if I commit a crime, can't I just dissolve the corporation before they put me in jail?

Del Inc. in Delavan

Dear Del Inc.:

Good idea, why don't you try that. I've always wondered who goes to jail when a corporation commits a crime – you could be a test case.

Dear Tattlesnake:

What's the best way to put teabags on my hat, glue or what? I want them there permanent-like, mind you.

The Newtster

Dear Newtster:

A real teabagger doesn't affix teabags to his hat; he staples them directly to his head. Don't worry, if you're a real teabagger, you won't feel any pain.

Send your questions to with 'Ask the Tattlesnake' in the subject line.

© 2010 RS Janes.

Sarah Palin's Real Alaska

Left click on image to enlarge.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The Tattlesnake – Word on the Street Edition

In the spirit of the late Mike Royko's Slats Grobnik, here are comments from the unFoxed Vox Populi:

-- L.A. Mike, who was born and lived in Los Angeles for most of his life, on the Republicans paying $2K for simulated lesbian bondage at the Voyeur Club:

"What wrong with those dudes? It's really stupid. For half that price in L.A. you could rent a motel room, hire a couple of hookers, see the same show up close and join in if you felt like it. You'd even have enough left for a bottle of some primo liquor. That's really a stupid waste of money."

-- V.J., a small business owner for over 20 years, on Obama's tax plan:

"I'm a middle-class small business owner and everybody was telling me, 'watch out, Obama's gonna raise your taxes!' I just got my tax forms back from my accountant and I'm paying $800 less this year than last, and he specifically said it was thanks to two deductions Obama put through. If this is Obama's big tax increase for the middle-class, keep it coming!"

-- Anna, who worked in state government for 20 years, on Sarah Palin:

"I don't get it – how do you quit as governor and then pass yourself off as a winner? How do you tell other families to practice abstinence when your own kid gets pregnant when she's underage? Why does anybody take her seriously?"

-- Al, who worked at a mail order firm, on the ruthless corporate culture:

"Worked at the same job for 12 years. We heard the rumor that company was being sold, but my boss, the owner of the company, looked me straight in the eye and told me he'd never sell and I'd always have a job there. Six months later we're all fired and the owner makes off with a fortune from selling the company. I asked one of the ladies in accounting what happened – the S.O.B. was in the process of selling the company the very day he told me that B.S. that he'd never sell! The lady said he lied because he didn't want people quitting to take other jobs before the new owner took over – wanted to squeeze every dime out of the place, even if it left us flat. He lied to my face and I thought this man was my friend!"

-- Vernon, who managed an office for 10 years, talks about Michael Steele's RNC spending:

"I'll tell you this: If I had been charging anything from Tiffany's or the liquor store to 'office supplies,' and I had approved an expenditure of a couple grand to a strip club, there would have been about two minutes before I was fired and out on the street. I don't know how he gets away with it."

-- Lily, a waitress at an upscale restaurant, on GOP tax cuts:

"Why doesn't the media ever call these guys out? They get up there, these Republicans, always talking about tax cuts and they're rich as fuck! Sure, they want tax cuts – for themselves! Yeah, I got my little piddley-ass tax cut from Bush, and the price of everything went up, including my state taxes, so I went way further in the hole. They really treat us like we're too dumb to know what they're doing. Fuckers!"

-- Rory, who once worked at a mental health facility, on the Teabaggers:

"These people must all have Alzheimer's like Reagan. They don't remember we had big deficits and big government under Republicans since Reagan? They don't remember Reagan bailed out the savings and loans in the 1980s? I didn't see them out there screaming and yelling then. They think the shitty economy started under Obama? Give me a break. They just hate him cause he's black. These tea party people should go to their doctors and be tested for Alzheimer's – they've definitely lost it. I mean if they can afford a head doctor on their fixed incomes -- oh, wait a sec, Medicare will pay for that so they're covered!"

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Would Palin Really Like to Compare Her Experience on Nukes with Obama's?

Left click on image to enlarge.

"Now, the president, with all the vast nuclear experience that he acquired as a community organizer and as a part-time senator, and as a full-time candidate, all that experience, still no accomplishment to date with North Korea and Iran."
-- Sarah Palin at the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, April 9, 2010, as quoted by Media Matters.

In fact, as Media Matters points out, as a US senator, Obama traveled overseas to investigate nuclear stockpiles in other nations, co-sponsored a nuclear non-proliferation bill with Republican Sen. Richard Lugar in 2005, introduced another bill, the Nuclear Weapons Threat Reduction Act (S.1977) in 2007, and did his college thesis on Soviet nuclear disarmament long before entering politics. Actually, the Nobel committee cited Obama's lengthy record of trying to limit nuclear weapons as one of the reasons he received the Nobel Peace Prize last year.

What experience does Sarah Palin have in this area? Zip, zilch and zero.

If I were an inexperienced beauty pageant contestant like Palin I wouldn't get snarky about anyone else's lack of experience in anything – it only tends to remind the public – that large majority who aren't part of your personality cult – of how vacuous and ignorant you really are.
BTW, Bush, Cheney and the GOP had eight years to 'accomplish' something in regards to Iran and North Korea. What did they have to show for it? Increased atomic and missile warhead testing by the N.K. and an accelerated nuclear program by Iran, in response to Republican threats of invasion. Obama's been in office for a year; let's see what he accomplishes in eight.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Obama's Radical Liberal Socialist Agenda Revealed

Is this his horrible liberal socialist agenda laid bare?

“The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do as well for themselves, Government ought NOT to interfere."

“In all those things which deal with people, be liberal, be human. In all those things which deal with people’s money, or their economy, or their form of government, be conservative."

“The purpose … is to establish and maintain a peaceful world and build at home a dynamic prosperity in which every citizen fairly shares. We shall ever build anew, that our children and their children, without distinction because of race, creed or color, may know the blessings of our free land."

“We believe that basic to governmental integrity are unimpeachable ethical standards and irreproachable personal conduct by all people in government. We shall continue our insistence on honesty as an indispensable requirement of public service. We shall continue to root out corruption whenever and wherever it appears."

“We are proud of and shall continue our far-reaching and sound advances in matters of basic human needs—expansion of social security—broadened coverage in unemployment insurance —improved housing—and better health protection for all our people. We are determined that our government remain warmly responsive to the urgent social and economic problems of our people."

To find out what left-wing radical wrote this socialist manifesto, read Comments below.

Saturday, April 03, 2010

The Tattlesnake -- The Teabaggers Should Thank Liberals Edition

Aging Tea Partiers a Jaw-Dropping Example of Stupidity and Ingratitude

“It’s the same with narrow-minded people as it is with narrow-necked bottles: the less they have in them, the more noise they make in pouring it out.”
-- Anonymous, from Planet Proctor 2010-7.

Most of the gray-haired Teabaggers are snapping, snarling and filled with rage but, like a dog driven mad by rabies, they are mindless in their wrath and blinded by their disease. They should stop and think who they have to thank for that Social Security check they receive at the beginning of every month. (Hint: it's not the pretentious pecksniffs of the faux-populist GOP or the bedeviled bellowers of the Right-Wing Noise Machine they so assiduously follow.)

Steve Benen's piece below is consistent with my own anecdotal exposure to the Teabaggers – they are mainly retired whites who watch Fox News and then gripe bitterly about the government from the comfort of their La-Z-Boy loungers while they collect their Social Security checks, pay their doctor bills via Medicare, and take advantage of housing and other discounts for seniors subsidized by the taxpayer. Many are also ex-military and not only received a government check while they were on active duty, but live off vets benefits provided by the government they despise. They especially loathe the evil liberals who proposed and passed that legislation so that they wouldn't be eating out of garbage cans, dependent on their children, or dying in poor houses in their old age. All of the things that provide them a relatively comfortable and independent life in retirement were vehemently opposed by conservatives in the past, and the cynical Talk Show Hosts and crass Republican Politicians they currently worship would be against every single 'socialist' program – Social Security, Medicare, etc. -- that keeps them going were it presented for a vote in Congress today.

Instead of hating liberals, they should be thanking them. Theirs is arguably the most colossal case of ingratitude in American history, and they should be ashamed of themselves rather than enraged.

Unaware of the Contradiction

Steve Benen
Political Animal
The Washington Monthly
March 28, 2010

There’s an old joke that goes something like this: my neighbor went to public schools before joining the military. He went to college on the G.I. Bill, bought his first home through the FHA, and received his health care through the V.A. and Medicare. He now receives Social Security.

He’s a conservative because he wants to get the government off his back.

I mention the joke because a surprising number of right-wing activists don’t seem to appreciate the humor. We talked the other day, for example, about a radical libertarian activist who encourages his allies to throw bricks through the windows of Democratic offices to protest the Affordable Care Act. He hates government involvement in the lives of citizens — but his main income is taxpayer-financed disability checks sent to him every month by the federal government.

This is not uncommon. The NYT reports today on some of the well-intention[ed] folks who’ve been caught up in the Tea Party nonsense. Take Tom Grimes, for example.

In the last year, he has organized a local group and a statewide coalition, and even started a “bus czar” Web site to marshal protesters to Washington on short notice. This month, he mobilized 200 other Tea Party activists to go to the local office of the same congressman to protest what he sees as the government’s takeover of health care. [...]

“If you quit giving people that stuff, they would figure out how to do it on their own,” Mr. Grimes said.

When Grimes lost his job 15 months ago, one of his first steps was contacting his congressman about available programs that might give him access to government health care. He receives Social Security, and is considering a job opening at the Census Bureau. But in the meantime, Grimes has filled the back seat of his Mercury Grand Marquis with literature decrying government aid to struggling Americans.

The same article noted the efforts of Diana Reimer, considered a "star" right-wing activist in her efforts against government programs, a campaign she describes as her "mission." Reimer, of course, currently enjoys Social Security and the socialized medicine that comes with Medicare.

The cognitive dissonance is rather remarkable. They perceive the government as the source of their economic distress — which itself doesn’t make sense — and then rely on the government to give them a hand, all the while demanding that the government do less to give people a hand. Their reflexive hatred for public programs is so irrational, they don’t even see the contradiction.

“After a year of angry debate,” the Times article noted, “emotion outweighs fact.”

That’s no doubt true. But that doesn’t change the fact that we’re talking about a reasonably large group of people who are deeply, tragically misguided.

This is important to the extent that there are still some who believe the political mainstream should do more to listen to the Tea Party crowd and take its hysterical cries seriously. But how can credible people take nonsense seriously and hope to come up with a meaningful result? How can policymakers actually address substantive challenges while following the advice of angry mobs who reject reason and evidence?

The bottom line seems inescapable: too many Tea Party activists have no idea what they’re talking about. Their sincerity notwithstanding, this is a confused group of misled people.

"Pecksniff: A canting hypocrite, who speaks homilies of morality, does the most heartless things 'as a duty to society,' and forgives wrong-doing in nobody but himself. (Dickens: Martin Chuzzlewit.)."
-- Webster's Online Dictionary definition.

© 2010 RS Janes.

Young Rush: Talent On Loan From Space?

Left click on images to enlarge.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Steele Quits as RNC Head

Embattled RNC Chief to Step Down; Talk Show Host Named Replacement

Steele leaves to work on Palin presidential run

Moira Feynt
APS News Service
April 1, 2010

WASHINGTON – According to a press release from the Republican National Committee, Michael Steele, current chairman of the RNC, will step down Friday in order to "join the swelling ranks of Republicans" who would like former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to run for president in 2012.

Steele named Fox News talk show host Sean Hannity as his interim replacement, saying in the release, "I feel Mr. Hannity has the dignity, decency and financial smarts to lead our party to victory in the upcoming elections."

The current chairman has recently been enmeshed in controversy after revelations that he had spent party donations on limousines, private jets, lavish hotel rooms and at least one $2,000 trip to "Voyeur," a Los Angeles lesbian bondage club.

However, Steele denies in the press release that he is leaving due to those problems; rather, he says, "I have talked to Gov. Palin and felt it was time to put my full attention toward the task of obtaining the Republican nomination for her. I could not be Mr. Hyde for her while I was Dr. Jekyll for the RNC."

Brad Sneerdrip, a spokesman for Hannity, said, "Mr. Hannity will bring to this position the same professionalism and honesty he shows in his best-selling books and his award-winning television news work."

© 2010 RS Janes.

April Fool's Year for the GOP

Left click on image to enlarge.

"I want to thank the Teabaggers for helping us pass health care, for resurrecting the Obama presidency. I know they're saying, 'Why are you thanking me? I was so against it, I marched on Washington with tea bags hanging off my Founding Fathers costume, with a gun on my hip and a picture of Obama dressed as Hitler, screaming about his birth certificate.'
And America saw that and said, 'I think I'll go with the calm black man.'"

-- Bill Maher, h/t to