-- Republican Prince of Piece of the Pie: The most gag-inducing moment of Kenny Boy's trial came shortly after the jury's verdict convicting Enron-bandito Lay of all charges was announced. Reportedly, Lay and his chums gathered in a corner of the courtroom with a Baptist minister to pray, which allowed the minister a chance to compare the Enron swindler's conviction to that of another 'innocent' man -- Jesus. Let's check the history here a moment: From the New Testament, we're informed that Jesus was crucified for proposing that we stop our soul-deadening hypocrisy, renounce violence, try to love and understand one another, and because he was a threat to the politically powerful moneyed class of his day; Kenny Boy, on the other hand, was one of the politically powerful moneyed class of his day who screwed his investors out of millions while he regularly practiced soul-deadening hypocrisy to keep the cash flowing in, and supports a government that uses violence to destroy those it doesn't understand. Yep, that's an exact analogy alright!
Perhaps the minister, when he sobered up, meant the Biblical tale of Barabbas, the lifelong criminal who was picked by the crowd to be spared instead of Jesus, much to the surprise of the Roman governor of Judea, Pontius Pilate.
Speaking of Pilate, Kenny Boy has his own version of a Roman territorial despot, let's call him Pontius Dubya, ruling the land. If 'Mr. Lay' can prolong his appeals for a few years, his old Texas pal will no doubt pardon him as he leaves office and Enron's 'Bush Pioneer' will not have to think twice if he drops the soap in the shower.
-- Side Prediction: Bandar Bush Junior will set a record for presidential pardons just before he leaves office; Lay, DeLay, Ney (oy vey!), Scooter and a whole host of other Republican ne'er-do-wells will never see the inside of a jail cell, thanks to their Old Friend in the Oval Office.
-- Speaking of the Midland Mouse That Roared: Last night he and Frack -- I mean Tony Blair --held a joint primetime press conference to repeat the same guff they've been peddling for years. The only interesting moment came when each were asked if they had any regrets. Bush mourned his jackass cowboy routines of 2001 - 2003, especially telling the terrorists to 'Bring it on' and other such immature TV Wild West staples like wanting bin Laden 'dead or alive.' Gee, Junior, anyone over the age of consent could have told you such boasts would make you look like an asshole (except to your goofy 'base,' of course), but I'm sure America is glad to pay for your on-the-job training; read the poll numbers. Too bad you haven't seemed to learn a whole lot since then.
On Blair's side, the Tattlesnake didn't really know what in hell he was talking about -- it seemed that someone gave him the 'stretch' sign and he was vamping for time, just twittering away vacuously -- probably either regretting we didn't find WMD or that he just wet his pants. What struck me most is that neither one of these self-involved yuppies regretted the loss of life from their unnecessary invasion. They didn't have to admit the Iraq War was a dead skunk in the middle of the road to say something like, "While we believe the Iraq War is necessary to preserve blah, blah, blah, we regret the loss of our men and women in the armed forces and that of the Iraqi people." Of course, that would have taken some compassion and some class, both in short supply for our 'Wartime President' and his British Lapdog.
-- Incidentally, the Bush Boy said he's going to miss Tony's 'red ties' when Blair leaves office -- somebody get Hannity on the case; that sounds vaguely pinko to me.
-- Finally, last night on a Discovery Channel show about CIA mind control experiments in the '50s and '60s -- using drugs such as LSD, electro-shock therapy, brainwashing techniques and hypnotism, occasionally on innocent civilians -- it was mentioned that some senior members of the Ford Administration recommended classifying the documents so that the American public would never know the terrible, illegal things that had been done in their name. The senior members? Dick Cheney and Don Rumsfeld.
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Tooting Around the Horn Edition
Alberto's Abridged Too Far and Other Neoconniving Numbskullery
-- Let's review: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who is known in some circles as 'Torture Boy' due to his memo wherein he provided BushCo with wrongheaded legal justification to torture prisoners and called the Constitution a 'quaint' document, thinks it's okay to search the offices of a Congress-creature because Congress shouldn't be 'above the law.' Hmmmm, isn't this the same AG Gonzales who claimed the president didn't have to follow the Constitution or international treaties because, during 'wartime' (for a war that hasn't been legally declared by Congress), the president is, according to his unique interpretation, 'above the law'? Alberto has also threatened to toss reporters in jail who embarrass the White House, such as disclosing the recent warrantless NSA domestic spying campaign that the Bushites insisted didn't exist. So, once again, we are treated to Gonzales' bizarre reading of a document he took an oath to uphold, but thinks is quaint and largely irrelevant. The First Amendment clearly states the freedom of the press shall not be abridged, the Founders acknowledging that only a press free of fear of government reprisal would be able to properly hold it to account. Now, Torture Boy wants to make our nearly supine MSM even more fearfully comatose by prosecuting reporters who reveal information of illegal government activity; he apparently believes a few words should be added to the First Amendment: The freedom of the press shall not be abridged, unless they go too far. If the Dems take control of Congress next year and want to impeach somebody, they should start with this fork-tongued lizard.
-- The various mainstream pundits are now serving up the dreaded Conventional Wisdom roadkill that the Dems can't win in November unless they all march in lockstep with exactly the same 'message' and have one leader -- be it Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid or whoever -- with a sack of Cliff Notes talking points for all those unwashed masses out in Fly-Over Country for whom our media has such quiet contempt. You know, the same people who hold the goose-march GOP and their always-on-message leader in such high regard these days. When a David Gergen or Tim Russert or other solon of the airwaves asks themselves what the Dems stand for, they just can't think of a thing. (Thanks for regurgitating the RNC's talking points, boys; ah, the vast liberal media conspiracy at work.) Maybe they should listen to what is promoted as 'the news' on the networks who pay them handsomely for their bubbleheaded opinions; they might learn that the Dems have actually advanced a few plans, when they take a break from bashing the poor, defenseless Republicans. Sure, every Dem doesn't agree completely with each point or program -- welcome to democracy, something we could use some more of these days. The Corporate Shill Patrol seems to value moronic messages and repeated sound bites over the messiness and debate of our form of government, which is exactly how we ended up in the ugly spot where the Republicans have taken us, on issues ranging from Iraq to health care. Karl Rove's GOP is great on lockstep sound bites and bumper-sticker themes, what they can't do is govern competently like mature adults; that takes judgment, consideration, comprehension, nuance, finesse and diplomacy, all in short supply in the Bush White House. Tattlesnake would suggest the various networks dock their political prognosticators a thousand bucks for every prediction they make that turns out to be wrong, but we have enough people begging in the streets as it is -- although the notion of Tim Russert meeting the press with his hand out for spare change has a certain appeal.
-- Speaking of the MSM political pundirazzi, Howard Fineman is the latest in a string of media miscreants who keep touting Bush's wonderful economy, as in this line from one of his recent articles: "The claim is that doing so will sustain overall economic growth (which has been pretty impressive, even though Bush gets no credit for it.)" Tattlesnake can't even count on all his appendages how many times he's heard this CW scat repeated by the mainline media in the past month. Maybe within Fineman's tennis-whites D.C. cocktail party circuit, tax breaks, stock dividends and getting rich from betting against the dollar are causing a bulge in their chinos (or are they just glad to see Bush?), but out in the cheese-fries hinterlands where they film the jiggling, from-the-neck-down clips that accompany their various narrow-eyed denunciations of expanding American obesity (followed by the obligatory Burger King ad, of course), things just aren't all that great. Mr. and Mrs. Living-Two-Paychecks-To-Paycheck aren't impressed with the roaring economy as they raid the couch cushions to fill the tank of the family ride; decent-paying blue-collar manufacturing jobs are vanishing, along with the white-collar middle-managers that go with them; recent grads trying to find employment with a salary large enough to repay their college loans and still afford an apartment are finding both few and far between (more and more are moving back in with the 'Grups' and taking a low-income McJob); credit card debt is jacked up to record highs for most Americans, just to keep the sinking head slightly above water; disillusioned, hollow-eyed men and women, who have had the rug pulled out from underneath them thanks to the magic of outsourcing or downsizing, force themselves to smile their way through interviews for jobs that pay half of what they were making before; other workers are watching their hard-earned benefits and pensions fall by the wayside; and prices continue to rise as the devalued dollar rapidly inflates. If this is an 'impressive economy' please, let's have one more Eisenhower stodgy.
-- Good for ABC News for not backing down on its reporting regarding the FBI investigation of Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert for fraud and corruption. This is a story some steady Tattlesnake readers (all five of them) may recall 'moi' mentioning many months ago. Hastert, the hefty oleaginous bag of wind who was picked to be Speaker in the late 90s solely because he was the only senior Republican the GOP could find during the Clinton sex persecutions who didn't have some lascivious hanky-panky he was hiding (seriously) and because he would dumbly follow orders, has vehemently denied the charges that's he's under investigation, as GOP chieftains commonly do these days, usually about a month before the indictments are delivered. Major Rumor is Denny has some 'splainin' to do about misuse of campaign funds in home-state Illinois and possible connection to a heavy-money fraudulent real estate deal there. Couldn't come at a better time for the GOP, from the Tattlesnake's point of view. DeLay, Ney, Frist, and, possibly, Denny the Hutt -- who will the RNC have left to run as incumbents when the flurry of indictments and resignations come down between now and next November?
-- Speaking of Sen. Dr. 'Dollar Bill' Frist, word on the street is that he may be ducking subpoena servers before Labor Day as new revelations concerning his profitable 'blind trust' investments and other corruption come to light. Folks, you once again heard it here first, er... 'Frist': Look for an unexpected link-up between Jack Abramoff, Mike Scanlon, Dusty Foggo, Frist, Sen. 'St. Rick' Santorum and other upper-level House and Senate Republicans. The warblers are out in Washington this spring, and what tales they're singing. Santorum may want to quit before he's embarrassed by the election results next November, and the words 'President Frist' will only serve as the punchline of a bad joke after 2008.
-- Sure, the Tattlesnake is all for making English the standard language of the U.S., just as soon as the 'misunderestimated' George W. Bush starts speaking and writing as well as the average Yale graduate. And he must take the test on live nationwide TV without a Teleprompter, too.
-- Finally, isn't it about time somebody wrote a book called "100 Ways Bernard Goldberg is Ruining America"?
-- Let's review: Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, who is known in some circles as 'Torture Boy' due to his memo wherein he provided BushCo with wrongheaded legal justification to torture prisoners and called the Constitution a 'quaint' document, thinks it's okay to search the offices of a Congress-creature because Congress shouldn't be 'above the law.' Hmmmm, isn't this the same AG Gonzales who claimed the president didn't have to follow the Constitution or international treaties because, during 'wartime' (for a war that hasn't been legally declared by Congress), the president is, according to his unique interpretation, 'above the law'? Alberto has also threatened to toss reporters in jail who embarrass the White House, such as disclosing the recent warrantless NSA domestic spying campaign that the Bushites insisted didn't exist. So, once again, we are treated to Gonzales' bizarre reading of a document he took an oath to uphold, but thinks is quaint and largely irrelevant. The First Amendment clearly states the freedom of the press shall not be abridged, the Founders acknowledging that only a press free of fear of government reprisal would be able to properly hold it to account. Now, Torture Boy wants to make our nearly supine MSM even more fearfully comatose by prosecuting reporters who reveal information of illegal government activity; he apparently believes a few words should be added to the First Amendment: The freedom of the press shall not be abridged, unless they go too far. If the Dems take control of Congress next year and want to impeach somebody, they should start with this fork-tongued lizard.
-- The various mainstream pundits are now serving up the dreaded Conventional Wisdom roadkill that the Dems can't win in November unless they all march in lockstep with exactly the same 'message' and have one leader -- be it Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid or whoever -- with a sack of Cliff Notes talking points for all those unwashed masses out in Fly-Over Country for whom our media has such quiet contempt. You know, the same people who hold the goose-march GOP and their always-on-message leader in such high regard these days. When a David Gergen or Tim Russert or other solon of the airwaves asks themselves what the Dems stand for, they just can't think of a thing. (Thanks for regurgitating the RNC's talking points, boys; ah, the vast liberal media conspiracy at work.) Maybe they should listen to what is promoted as 'the news' on the networks who pay them handsomely for their bubbleheaded opinions; they might learn that the Dems have actually advanced a few plans, when they take a break from bashing the poor, defenseless Republicans. Sure, every Dem doesn't agree completely with each point or program -- welcome to democracy, something we could use some more of these days. The Corporate Shill Patrol seems to value moronic messages and repeated sound bites over the messiness and debate of our form of government, which is exactly how we ended up in the ugly spot where the Republicans have taken us, on issues ranging from Iraq to health care. Karl Rove's GOP is great on lockstep sound bites and bumper-sticker themes, what they can't do is govern competently like mature adults; that takes judgment, consideration, comprehension, nuance, finesse and diplomacy, all in short supply in the Bush White House. Tattlesnake would suggest the various networks dock their political prognosticators a thousand bucks for every prediction they make that turns out to be wrong, but we have enough people begging in the streets as it is -- although the notion of Tim Russert meeting the press with his hand out for spare change has a certain appeal.
-- Speaking of the MSM political pundirazzi, Howard Fineman is the latest in a string of media miscreants who keep touting Bush's wonderful economy, as in this line from one of his recent articles: "The claim is that doing so will sustain overall economic growth (which has been pretty impressive, even though Bush gets no credit for it.)" Tattlesnake can't even count on all his appendages how many times he's heard this CW scat repeated by the mainline media in the past month. Maybe within Fineman's tennis-whites D.C. cocktail party circuit, tax breaks, stock dividends and getting rich from betting against the dollar are causing a bulge in their chinos (or are they just glad to see Bush?), but out in the cheese-fries hinterlands where they film the jiggling, from-the-neck-down clips that accompany their various narrow-eyed denunciations of expanding American obesity (followed by the obligatory Burger King ad, of course), things just aren't all that great. Mr. and Mrs. Living-Two-Paychecks-To-Paycheck aren't impressed with the roaring economy as they raid the couch cushions to fill the tank of the family ride; decent-paying blue-collar manufacturing jobs are vanishing, along with the white-collar middle-managers that go with them; recent grads trying to find employment with a salary large enough to repay their college loans and still afford an apartment are finding both few and far between (more and more are moving back in with the 'Grups' and taking a low-income McJob); credit card debt is jacked up to record highs for most Americans, just to keep the sinking head slightly above water; disillusioned, hollow-eyed men and women, who have had the rug pulled out from underneath them thanks to the magic of outsourcing or downsizing, force themselves to smile their way through interviews for jobs that pay half of what they were making before; other workers are watching their hard-earned benefits and pensions fall by the wayside; and prices continue to rise as the devalued dollar rapidly inflates. If this is an 'impressive economy' please, let's have one more Eisenhower stodgy.
-- Good for ABC News for not backing down on its reporting regarding the FBI investigation of Republican House Speaker Dennis Hastert for fraud and corruption. This is a story some steady Tattlesnake readers (all five of them) may recall 'moi' mentioning many months ago. Hastert, the hefty oleaginous bag of wind who was picked to be Speaker in the late 90s solely because he was the only senior Republican the GOP could find during the Clinton sex persecutions who didn't have some lascivious hanky-panky he was hiding (seriously) and because he would dumbly follow orders, has vehemently denied the charges that's he's under investigation, as GOP chieftains commonly do these days, usually about a month before the indictments are delivered. Major Rumor is Denny has some 'splainin' to do about misuse of campaign funds in home-state Illinois and possible connection to a heavy-money fraudulent real estate deal there. Couldn't come at a better time for the GOP, from the Tattlesnake's point of view. DeLay, Ney, Frist, and, possibly, Denny the Hutt -- who will the RNC have left to run as incumbents when the flurry of indictments and resignations come down between now and next November?
-- Speaking of Sen. Dr. 'Dollar Bill' Frist, word on the street is that he may be ducking subpoena servers before Labor Day as new revelations concerning his profitable 'blind trust' investments and other corruption come to light. Folks, you once again heard it here first, er... 'Frist': Look for an unexpected link-up between Jack Abramoff, Mike Scanlon, Dusty Foggo, Frist, Sen. 'St. Rick' Santorum and other upper-level House and Senate Republicans. The warblers are out in Washington this spring, and what tales they're singing. Santorum may want to quit before he's embarrassed by the election results next November, and the words 'President Frist' will only serve as the punchline of a bad joke after 2008.
-- Sure, the Tattlesnake is all for making English the standard language of the U.S., just as soon as the 'misunderestimated' George W. Bush starts speaking and writing as well as the average Yale graduate. And he must take the test on live nationwide TV without a Teleprompter, too.
-- Finally, isn't it about time somebody wrote a book called "100 Ways Bernard Goldberg is Ruining America"?
Monday, May 22, 2006
Political Ins and Outs Edition
IN: Stone walls for corrupt Republicans
OUT: Stonewalling by corrupt Republicans
IN: Outrage at the government
OUT: Outrages by the government
IN: Working for Change
OUT: Change for working
IN: Immigrant work force
OUT: Working over immigrants
IN: Hybrid vehicles
OUT: High bread vehicles
IN: "Where are my damn rights?"
OUT: "Thank you, sir, may I have another?"
IN: Campus Democrats for Change
OUT: Old Republicans for the Same Old Shit
IN: Presidential impersonator Steve Bridges
OUT: Presidential impersonator George W. Bush
IN: DeLay's leaving Congress
OUT: DeLay's Congressional leavings
IN: Summer rum and cola
OUT: Bummer Rummy's COLA
IN: Fitzgerald nearly finished with prosecutions
OUT: Rove nearly finished by prosecutions
IN: Liberty and freedom
OUT: Libby's freedom
IN: The Dixie Chicks
OUT: The Dixie Hypocrites
IN: Hurricane season
OUT: Michael Chertoff
IN: Fox News commentator Tony Snow as Bush Press Secretary
OUT: Bush Press Secretary Scott McClellan, Fox's newest commentator
IN: Bill of Rights
OUT: Billing rights
IN: Intelligence
OUT: Porter Goss
IN: Congressional investigations
OUT: Michael Hayden
IN: Picnics
IN: Stephen Colbert
OUT: Bill O'Reilly
IN: Really challenging media garbage
OUT: Garbage media reality challenges
IN: Bikinis at all the beaches scenes
OUT: Bikini Atoll and On the Beach scenes
IN: Retired generals
OUT: Retread generals
Today's Quote: A Bush Too Far
OUT: Stonewalling by corrupt Republicans
IN: Outrage at the government
OUT: Outrages by the government
IN: Working for Change
OUT: Change for working
IN: Immigrant work force
OUT: Working over immigrants
IN: Hybrid vehicles
OUT: High bread vehicles
IN: "Where are my damn rights?"
OUT: "Thank you, sir, may I have another?"
IN: Campus Democrats for Change
OUT: Old Republicans for the Same Old Shit
IN: Presidential impersonator Steve Bridges
OUT: Presidential impersonator George W. Bush
IN: DeLay's leaving Congress
OUT: DeLay's Congressional leavings
IN: Summer rum and cola
OUT: Bummer Rummy's COLA
IN: Fitzgerald nearly finished with prosecutions
OUT: Rove nearly finished by prosecutions
IN: Liberty and freedom
OUT: Libby's freedom
IN: The Dixie Chicks
OUT: The Dixie Hypocrites
IN: Hurricane season
OUT: Michael Chertoff
IN: Fox News commentator Tony Snow as Bush Press Secretary
OUT: Bush Press Secretary Scott McClellan, Fox's newest commentator
IN: Bill of Rights
OUT: Billing rights
IN: Intelligence
OUT: Porter Goss
IN: Congressional investigations
OUT: Michael Hayden
IN: Picnics
IN: Stephen Colbert
OUT: Bill O'Reilly
IN: Really challenging media garbage
OUT: Garbage media reality challenges
IN: Bikinis at all the beaches scenes
OUT: Bikini Atoll and On the Beach scenes
IN: Retired generals
OUT: Retread generals
Today's Quote: A Bush Too Far
"Modern history offers no precedent of a president climbing from a hole as deep as the one Bush finds himself in, and White House strategists have concluded that no staff shake-up or other quick fix will alter their trajectory. In the sixth year of his tenure, they said, Bush cannot easily change the minds of voters whose impressions are fully formed."
-- Peter Baker and Jim VandeHei, "Midterm elections crux of GOP strategy," Washington Post, May 22, 2006.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
My Name is Oil and Other Irritants Edition
Skimming the Septic Tank of the News
-- It's about time for these naive simps in the MSM and on the starboard side of Blogospheria (the public restroom of the Information Superhighway), to stop 'opining' that the Iraq War is about anything but controlling the price of oil. Big Oil is raking it in, and so stuffed with profit they don't know what to do with all the cash; Bush's pals in the royal family of Saudi Arabia are likewise glutted, which means the Bush family, with extensive investments in petroleum, are also swimming in oil profits. The war in Iraq, like most wars, is about well-heeled heels making a buck from the sacrifice of the patriotic peasantry; to pretend otherwise is irritating and false. Bush doesn't want a free and open democracy in Iraq, nor anywhere else; he wants a government that will control oil production to his liking. To pretend otherwise is just an insult to intelligence, common sense, and the dictates of evidence.
-- According to MSNBC, God has spoken to Pat Robertson again, this time to predict the weather. Pat says the Almighty Creator of the Universe, apparently with nothing better to do, informed the 700 Clubber that this weather season is going to be worse than last, with hurricanes of greater intensity, and a possible tsunami hitting somewhere on American shores, because this is just the kind of thing Robbo's Loving Christian God serves up to people who don't do Crazy Pat's bidding. (Watch CBN headquarters get flooded by a torrential rain; can't wait to hear the excuses.) This is funny since agnostic scientists who believe in E-vo-lution have been predicting the same thing, not from chat sessions with the Lawd, but from calculating the effects of global warming and weather patterns. It's a shame that Pat is so far gone he never considers that that voice in his head isn't God but someone a little warmer, hornier, and closer to his heart; the same 'deity' that assured him Bush would win by a landslide in 2004 when he barely eked out a 51-49 percent victory.
SATAN: "Pat, this is God."
PAT: "Yes, I recognize your voice, Lord. You sound just like James Mason in 'Lolita.'"
SATAN: "Good, Pat. Listen, this year the weather's going to be mighty nasty; lots of hurricanes, tornadoes, maybe even a tsunami. Go scare your viewers with the news."
PAT: "Oh, I will, Lord. Say, what's that I hear in the background? Is that a fire crackling?"
SATAN: "Just roasting a few sinners for din...uh, just having a little wienie roast here in heaven. Dick Nixon's our featured guest tonight."
PAT: "Oooooh, Nixon, our second greatest president after Dubya. Say, is that giggling I hear, Lord?"
SATAN: "Mind your own beeswax, Pat. Listen, I have to sign off now; I have to make sure the Iranians get some nukes so Bush can have his war."
PAT: "Thank you, Lord. Say hello to Jesus for me."
SATAN: "Fat chanc...er, sure, Pat, you bet! Ta, ta."
-- Why doesn't our intrepid Washington media (stop smirking) ever ask the Bush White House to explain how much the Bush family and every member of his cabinet, all of whom crack the millionaire mark, have gained from Bush's munificent tax cuts for the wealthy, and why it's ethical for them to enrich themselves by handing themselves tax breaks? For that matter, most of our lawmakers on Capitol Hill are rich; why aren't they questioned on this point as well? When the Clinton's gained financially through Hillary's trading, they were derided mercilessly; if Bill had passed tax laws that benefited his family, the neocon media would still be frothing about it. Yet, the Bush regime skates free. Oh, I forgot: It's the US media -- here, boy, fetch, fetch, come get your biscuit ...
-- Speaking of the Bush Boy, his immigration speech received bad reviews from a broad spectrum of the political punditry, as lefties, righties and fence-squatters panned El Presidente's pandering. The righties had their BVD's knotted over Bush's 'amnesty' program; the left over his duncely and pricey border lock-down and immigrant crackdown plans; while the middle of the roaders were exercised over the fact that the whole thing just wouldn't work. What a waste of airtime. The pertinent questions even a few of the more astute of our Fourth Estate dead asses got around to asking were: Since we're deeply in debt (thank you, Republicans), exactly where do the billions come from to implement Bush's immigration schemes? With the Army stretched so thin they're sending PTSD soldiers back to fight in Iraq, exactly from whereat do the 6,000 National Guardsmen materialize to guard the border, and, without the power of arrest or seizure, exactly what good will they do? (And, considering the stunning level of ineptitude of BushCo, even if they find the troops by combing mental hospitals and drug rehab clinics, they'll no doubt be outfitted with parkas and skis by Homeland Security, along with Swedish to English dictionaries.) So, Bush's prime time boom was a bust, and his ratings continue to slide, except in those internal RNC polls Karl Rove is fond of citing which claim that over 60 percent just "like this president" personally. Which leads to this question: Did they confine their polling to the Republican National Committee headquarters, or did they ask staffers at the White House as well?
-- It's about time for these naive simps in the MSM and on the starboard side of Blogospheria (the public restroom of the Information Superhighway), to stop 'opining' that the Iraq War is about anything but controlling the price of oil. Big Oil is raking it in, and so stuffed with profit they don't know what to do with all the cash; Bush's pals in the royal family of Saudi Arabia are likewise glutted, which means the Bush family, with extensive investments in petroleum, are also swimming in oil profits. The war in Iraq, like most wars, is about well-heeled heels making a buck from the sacrifice of the patriotic peasantry; to pretend otherwise is irritating and false. Bush doesn't want a free and open democracy in Iraq, nor anywhere else; he wants a government that will control oil production to his liking. To pretend otherwise is just an insult to intelligence, common sense, and the dictates of evidence.
-- According to MSNBC, God has spoken to Pat Robertson again, this time to predict the weather. Pat says the Almighty Creator of the Universe, apparently with nothing better to do, informed the 700 Clubber that this weather season is going to be worse than last, with hurricanes of greater intensity, and a possible tsunami hitting somewhere on American shores, because this is just the kind of thing Robbo's Loving Christian God serves up to people who don't do Crazy Pat's bidding. (Watch CBN headquarters get flooded by a torrential rain; can't wait to hear the excuses.) This is funny since agnostic scientists who believe in E-vo-lution have been predicting the same thing, not from chat sessions with the Lawd, but from calculating the effects of global warming and weather patterns. It's a shame that Pat is so far gone he never considers that that voice in his head isn't God but someone a little warmer, hornier, and closer to his heart; the same 'deity' that assured him Bush would win by a landslide in 2004 when he barely eked out a 51-49 percent victory.
SATAN: "Pat, this is God."
PAT: "Yes, I recognize your voice, Lord. You sound just like James Mason in 'Lolita.'"
SATAN: "Good, Pat. Listen, this year the weather's going to be mighty nasty; lots of hurricanes, tornadoes, maybe even a tsunami. Go scare your viewers with the news."
PAT: "Oh, I will, Lord. Say, what's that I hear in the background? Is that a fire crackling?"
SATAN: "Just roasting a few sinners for din...uh, just having a little wienie roast here in heaven. Dick Nixon's our featured guest tonight."
PAT: "Oooooh, Nixon, our second greatest president after Dubya. Say, is that giggling I hear, Lord?"
SATAN: "Mind your own beeswax, Pat. Listen, I have to sign off now; I have to make sure the Iranians get some nukes so Bush can have his war."
PAT: "Thank you, Lord. Say hello to Jesus for me."
SATAN: "Fat chanc...er, sure, Pat, you bet! Ta, ta."
-- Why doesn't our intrepid Washington media (stop smirking) ever ask the Bush White House to explain how much the Bush family and every member of his cabinet, all of whom crack the millionaire mark, have gained from Bush's munificent tax cuts for the wealthy, and why it's ethical for them to enrich themselves by handing themselves tax breaks? For that matter, most of our lawmakers on Capitol Hill are rich; why aren't they questioned on this point as well? When the Clinton's gained financially through Hillary's trading, they were derided mercilessly; if Bill had passed tax laws that benefited his family, the neocon media would still be frothing about it. Yet, the Bush regime skates free. Oh, I forgot: It's the US media -- here, boy, fetch, fetch, come get your biscuit ...
-- Speaking of the Bush Boy, his immigration speech received bad reviews from a broad spectrum of the political punditry, as lefties, righties and fence-squatters panned El Presidente's pandering. The righties had their BVD's knotted over Bush's 'amnesty' program; the left over his duncely and pricey border lock-down and immigrant crackdown plans; while the middle of the roaders were exercised over the fact that the whole thing just wouldn't work. What a waste of airtime. The pertinent questions even a few of the more astute of our Fourth Estate dead asses got around to asking were: Since we're deeply in debt (thank you, Republicans), exactly where do the billions come from to implement Bush's immigration schemes? With the Army stretched so thin they're sending PTSD soldiers back to fight in Iraq, exactly from whereat do the 6,000 National Guardsmen materialize to guard the border, and, without the power of arrest or seizure, exactly what good will they do? (And, considering the stunning level of ineptitude of BushCo, even if they find the troops by combing mental hospitals and drug rehab clinics, they'll no doubt be outfitted with parkas and skis by Homeland Security, along with Swedish to English dictionaries.) So, Bush's prime time boom was a bust, and his ratings continue to slide, except in those internal RNC polls Karl Rove is fond of citing which claim that over 60 percent just "like this president" personally. Which leads to this question: Did they confine their polling to the Republican National Committee headquarters, or did they ask staffers at the White House as well?
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