Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Twisted Songs of the Season, Republican Edition

Bush Junior: "All I Want For Christmas is My Three Front War"

Dick Cheney: "(It's Lovely Weather for a) Slay Ride"

Ann Coulter: "Goy to the World"

Rudy Giuliani: "Rudolph the Long-Nosed Reign-Deer"

Sean Hannity: "The Little War-Drummer Boy"

Mike Huckabee: "(I'm Dreaming of) White Christians"

Duncan Hunter: "Nasty the Low Man"

Joe Lieberman: "Missile Joe and Folly"

Rush Limbaugh: "Ding Dong! Merrily I'm High"

John McCain: "I'll Be Home Next Christmas"

Michael Mukasey: "My Nuts Roasting On An Open Fire..."

Rupert Murdoch: "Deck the Halls (with Bags of Money)"

Bill O'Reilly: "Do You Hear What I Hear?"

Mitt Romney: "Have Yourself a Mormon Little Christian"

Fred Thompson: "(Walking in a) Winter Blunderland"

Congressional Republicans: "A King Is Born on High"

Closeted Gay Christopublicans: "O Come All Ye Faithful"

Neocon Talk Shows: "Unsilent Right"

Wall Street Investors: "Jingo Bears"

Christmas in America, 2007

"What were you thinking letting those two stay in our barn?"

"The woman's pregnant -- she's going to have the baby any time now. What's the harm?"

"Why doesn't she go to a hospital then?"

"She can't -- the governor signed a law preventing people from other lands from using our hospitals."

"Well, I still think you made a mistake. Why don't they stay at a hotel or something?"

"They're poor -- they don't have a dime. Don't worry, they won't cause any trouble in the barn."

"That old man seems pretty shifty to me -- what if he barges in here and cuts our throats while we're sleeping?"

"I talked to him, he seems like a nice man. I doubt that's going to happen."

"That's another thing -- what is that old man doing married to that young girl?"

"That's the custom where they're from."

"Weird customs and they're flat broke. Great. Why didn't they stay home to have this baby; why are they on the road? Did it ever occur to you they're wanted by the law?"

"Would you calm down? They're just going to stay here a few days and move on. They don't seem like the criminal type."

"Oh, yeah, well, what are they going to eat while they're here?"

"We have more than we need; it won't hurt us to help them out with a little food."

"Are you going to start letting every bum you meet stay in our barn and eat our food?"

(Just then, the sound of a baby crying is heard.)

"Looks like she had the kid. I'm going to go out and get a good look at these foreigners."

"Be nice."

(Ten minutes later.)

"Do you know what she named the kid? 'Hey-Zeus.' What -- are they greeting some pagan god? What kind of weird name is that?"

"It's a common name in their land."

"And they've got three more of their bum friends out there, hanging around looking suspicious. They're dressed up pretty strange and they don't seem right to me. This might be their gang who're here to slit our throats and take our money. You'd better do something."

"I'll take a look."

(Several minutes later.)

"It's fine; just some visitors from the east here to pay their respects. They aren't going to stay long."

"Sure -- why not just bring in everyone they know and have a party!"

"Just relax -- look, the three men are leaving. Everything's fine, let's go to bed."

"I'm going to sleep with one eye open and a knife under my pillow."

"Believe me, that's not necessary."

"What if these people like it here? What if they decide to stay and live here, taking our jobs and sending their kids to our schools? Do you want to pay for all that? Our taxes are high enough as it is!"

"So, they'll work and earn their way and pay their taxes, just like we did when we started out."

"You're really stupid. You don't understand these foreigners, they aren't like us -- all they want to do is sit around and get high and have kids and live on welfare."

"That's what they said about your grandfather when he moved here."

"That was different; he was a religious man with faith and a hard worker."

"I have a feeling these folks are, too."

"If they were, they would have thought about how they were going to support this kid before they had it."

"Not everyone is as fortunate as you."

"That's too bad for them.""Merry Christmas to you, too."

"Are you being sarcastic again?"

"Are you?"


Thursday, December 13, 2007

You Might Be a Neocon If...

With a hat tip to Jeff Foxworthy, it's time to play:

You Might Be a Neocon If...

... you believe Bush and Cheney are moral men with your best interests at heart.

... you believe Bush's press secretary Dana Perino (or any Bush press secretary in the past) is actually telling you the unvarnished truth.

... you don't want to pay a dime for national health care, yet expect a taxpayer-funded emergency room to treat you immediately after you've had an accident.

... you think Bush is right even when he's proven wrong, again and again.

... you think Karl Rove is a great historian.

... you think there actually is a War on Christmas outside of Bill O'Reilly's head.

... you think Michael Moore's "Fahrenheit 911" is a pack of lies from start to finish, yet you've never seen it and have vowed you never will.

... you've ever rendered a strong opinion on ANY book, magazine article, website, film, TV show or play you've never actually read or seen.

... you think waterboarding is a new sport for teenagers.

... you think any government program that helps ordinary people is horrible socialism, but when our tax money is spent to pay contractors for shoddy work and overcharges, that's free market capitalism at work.

... you think questions surrounding the events of 9/11 are ridiculous, but firmly believe that the Clintons had something to do with the death of Vince Foster.

... you think Bush ignoring the August 6, 2001 CIA brief entitled "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in United States" was understandable, since he was on vacation.

... you think Rudy Giuliani is a hero for making a few speeches and posing for some photo-ops after the 9/11 attack.

... you think Osama bin Laden is a lying terrorist sack of crap, yet he was telling the truth when said he wanted John Kerry as president in 2004, right before Election Day.

... you think every problem America has can be traced to liberals and/or Democrats.

... you've ever called anyone a 'pinko' or 'commie,' especially someone who demonstrably isn't either. don't know the difference between socialism and communism and you don't really care either.

... you think a) Saddam Hussein had WMD and hid them somewhere outside of the country right before the US invaded, or b) you think we found WMD in Iraq.

... you think the torturing of prisoners at Abu Ghraib was no worse than a fraternity initiation.

... you think former CIA covert agent Valerie Plame 'deserved' to be outed because her husband is a 'traitor' who revealed the truth about Bush's phony claims that Iraq tried to buy Niger uranium.

... you think junkies should spend long sentences in jail but Rush Limbaugh should be forgiven for his human frailty.

... you think Ann Coulter is hilariously funny.

... you think talk show blabber Dennis Prager is either a religious expert, conservative intellectual, political philosopher, entirely sane, or all four.-- you are a Christian who experiences temporary blindness whenever you read the Sermon on the Mount.

... you think every word in the Bible was written by God in English, even the letters to the Greeks by Paul.

... you are waiting for Armageddon and believe you will be taken up into heaven during 'The Rapture,' even though you lie to your customers, sell products that are made by slave labor overseas, or own a private mercenary company that murders people in other countries.

... you think individual people need strong laws and strict enforcement to keep them in line, but corporations should be able to make their own rules without government interference.

... you think no-bid contracts are a smart way for the government to do business.

... you think Rudy Giuliani or Mitt Romney are 'good Christian men.'

... you think Richard Nixon was brought down by the 'liberal media.'

... you think 'habeas corpus' has something to do with hamsters, so what's the big deal?

... you hate the theory of evolution even though you've never read it.

... you've ever read a rant by Michelle Malkin without laughing out loud at its sheer rancorous stupidity.

... you think Charles Krauthammer is sane.

... you think Norman Podhoretz should be the Secretary of Defense.

... you can't find anything that Don Rumsfeld did wrong as Secretary of Defense.

... you watch "24" and believe if we only had a guy like the fictional Jack Bauer in charge of our intelligence operations, we could lick the terrorists in a month or two.

... you are a self-hating closeted gay male politician.

Thursday, December 06, 2007

Whatever Happened to Ann Coulter? Edition

Her Influence Nearly Gone, She's Still Out There Slipping Further Into Inconsequence as Reality Proves Her Wrong -- Even to Many Conservatives

"Facts are stupid things."
-- Ronald Reagan, at the Republican National Convention in 1988.

On Dec. 3, 2007, C-SPAN aired a speech Ann Coulter gave at the National Press Club in Washington on Nov. 28th, sponsored by the neocon Young America's Foundation and it's Orwellian adjunct, something called the National Journalism Center, which has as much a relationship to real journalism as Ann's Christianity has to the principles expressed by Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount. The NJC is very proud that Coulter herself went through their program twenty years ago -- which gives you a good idea of its journalistic worth -- and invited her to address its 30th anniversary dinner.

Appearing a tad raccoonish in her heavy black eye make-up, Coulter's negligible grasp of fact and logic has now exited stage right completely, leaving her resembling nothing so much as a piece of smirking Swiss cheese framed by long blonde hair, shakily babbling with intermittent coherence into a microphone.

Plowing the same rut she has turned into a muddy grave by sheer repetition, and sketching the typical Coulter cartoon portrait with a house painter's brush, Ann attacked her usual enemies; all of those horrid 'liberals and Democrats,' the amorphous grab-bag target for her hate; an evil entity with one mind who, in Ann's hilarious political psychosis, run the country with an iron hand suppressing poor brave conservatives like herself, while simultaneously meekly surrendering to 'Islamofacist' terrorists and anything larger than a bedbug everywhere else. If you detect a little 'cognitive dissonance' here, congratulations and welcome to Coulter's home planet where the mental landscape is a continual funhouse ride requiring a 'memory hole' to forget what you just said every three paces.One example of this would be Ann's baffling delirium that liberals and Democrats started demanding "Where's Osama?" after Saddam Hussein was captured, and only then because former Iraq War supporter and sporadic Bush apologist Peter Beinhart chiseled the embarrassing question on a tablet and handed it down to the rest of us. In the earth-orbits-sun cosmos Coulter shuns, 'Ls & Ds' were asking this long before the Iraq War even started, and it had nothing to do with Beinhart, as a few minutes at 'the Google' will reveal.

But in her hasty slide to media oblivion, fast-and-frothing Ann has no time for Googling or fact-checking -- that sort of thing is strictly for the wimpy liberals who dwell in the fringe moonbat minority, loathed by 'real Americans,' yet are powerful enough to destroy our country.

Included among the other lowlights of Coulter's addled presentation was a swipe at New York Times columnist Paul Krugman alleging that "no one reads him," although this may have been mere literary envy: Krugman appears regularly in one of America's highest-circulation newspapers and his columns are seen by millions; Ann's flaky diatribes are buried amid the 59 other conservative columnists at and surrounded by the tasteful 'Liberal Hunting Permit' and '3 books for a buck' Conservative Book Club ads at her own website.

She also made the bizarre statement that no one listens to Air America Radio or watches MSNBC and asserted that, to cover its embarrassment, MSNBC will not disclose its ratings. In fact, AAR's ratings are up, as are MSNBC's, especially in Keith Olbermann's time slot vs. Fox News' Bill O'Reilly, and the ratings information is easy to obtain -- Olbermann himself has talked about MSNBC's ratings several times on his program. But, then, that would require doing a little research before you open your mouth and pick up your foot, not, as we've seen, Ann's strong point.

She riffed on classic Coulter standards as well, and with as much underwhelming logic: Hillary Clinton is a 'whiny feminist' who, if elected president, will put every American woman in a burqa, which should induce a double-take even in those who don't like the New York Senator and, once again, places Ann at odds with her own expressed doubts about women having the vote in this country.

Then she moved on to her strong support for the Second Amendment, but a smirking dismissal of the First as "highly overrated" -- you know, the same constitutional amendment guaranteeing free speech and a free press that Ann and her colleagues in the right-wing media habitually abuse to 'get their message out.'

And Good Christian Ann wants to kill more "moo-slims" (that's how she pronounced it), not in the name of defense, but for revenge, and it doesn't seem to matter to her if they're actual terrorists or not. After all, she did want to bomb their countries, kill all of their leaders, and convert them to Christianity, apparently just for following Islam. On Coulter World, the thought never intrudes that this might be a very poor way to introduce people to your religion, but Ann figures that it worked so well on Native Americans and Filipinos that it should be tried again. That many of them had to be massacred in the process of being rendered safe for Jesus doesn't enter Ann's mind. Oh, I forgot -- to a neocon, this is a 'funny' remark, and not in an ironic sense.

She also briefly engaged in the fringe right-wing lunatic history myths that have become her trademark: the drunken Sen. Joe McCarthy was a Great American whose demise came solely at the hands of the 'liberal media' and not anything he did to himself; the Democrats have always been the pro-slavery, pro-segregation party since Lincoln was president in the 1860s, ignoring a large chunk of the 1940s thorough the 1960s when Lyndon Johnson finally passed the various civil rights acts that legally ended segregation in the Old South, leading to 'integrationists' such as Strom Thurmond, Jesse Helms and other Dixiecrats becoming Republicans, and ushering in Nixon's tacitly racist Southern Strategy in 1968. But then, this is all in a day's work for the historically-challenged Coulter.

However, to be fair, let's give Ann credit where it's due: She did freely confess that she's "not a builder," she's "a destroyer," and she just loves to "tear people down."

Reflecting the utter ideological chaos that is the current Republican Party, she also admitted she doesn't much like Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, Fred Thompson, John McCain or Mike Huckabee, although she previously spoke highly of Romney at the CPAC 2007 convention. (A flip-flop?) These days her favorite candidate is the troglodytic Rep. Duncan Hunter, under investigation in a 'Duke Cunningham'-style bribery scandal and listed by the Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) as one of the "22 Most Corrupt Members of Congress." However, she did allow as how she'd vote for "any idiot the Republicans nominate."

Well, I won't belabor this topic further; suffice it to say that her speeches and ideas are mired in the moldy "I'm a victim" neocon carping of two decades ago and her enemies and attacks are always the same, except now she's donned the mantle of Christianity to try and gull the faithful into buying her books. If you want to know what else she said in her speech, all you need do is read a dozen of Coulter's columns at random, then make sure to cross-check her 'facts' with 'the Google,' so you won't be misinformed; and her crimes against common sense and logic will be apparent to those who possess an average amount of either one.

Times have changed and most Americans want to dump the neocon Republican failures in the nearest trash heap, but Coulter's still playing her pathetic one-note samba that's now turned into a whiny funeral dirge.

During her talk, the C-SPAN camera occasionally panned the room and the faces were revealing; Coulter's well-worn lines were greeted with tepid applause or subdued laughter and some of the conservative Republican audience, heeding the reality of the last six years under Bush and the anger of the citizenry at the GOP, simply stared at Coulter as Rupert Murdoch might stare at a speech by an avowed Marxist. It's said by those who managed to escape the mass suicide at Jim Jones' People's Temple in Guyana that, while some fanatics willingly drank the cyanide-laced Kool-Aid, others had to be forced at gunpoint to pour it down. A feeling similar to that of the latter faction was in evidence here -- Ann was the crazed Jones, bleating blabber to the end, while some of her acolytes were scheming ways to save themselves and their party from the sure doom ahead. To use a dreaded sports analogy, the team was getting a pep talk at the two-minute warning, but the smarter players had faced the reality that the score is 63 to 3 against them, and their eyes had glazed over in anticipation of defeat.

Coulter was ironically followed on C-SPAN by Bill Clinton; considering her ongoing obsession with his sex life, perhaps that's Ann's secret desire as well.

At least Ann admitted she "didn't really have a job."

Observing the weak reaction of this supposedly Coulter-friendly crowd, she might soon have to find one.